Objectives of GCRA

Objectives of Global Communication Research Association (GCRA)

  • Be a forum to pursue the exchange among civilizations with participation of researchers and professionals from all areas of communication including journalism, broadcasting, public relations, advertising, public opinion, digital communication, the extension fields and communication related areas.
  • Uphold the needs of the researchers of communication, extension, the media, communication-related fields, and applied sciences.
  • Undertake, document and publish research in the different fields of communication including global communication, communication for development, social networks, political communication and public opinion, in addition to other underrepresented areas of research interests.
  • Support the publication of articles and research works within viable local and regional means.
  • Promote a participatory forum of information exchange regarding global rights, concerns, and priorities.
  • Undertake initiatives within an ethical framework of good governance and accountability.
  • Recognize the regional pride of different languages, social makeup, and cultures.