Impart Adequate and Appropriate Industry-Relevant
Skills Among the Youth
Skills Among the Youth
SDG 4 on education includes two targets on skills development, namely target 4.3 (equal access for all women and men to affordable quality technical, vocational and tertiary education), and 4.4 (number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship). To break the vicious circle of poor education, low productivity and persistent poverty, it is crucial to promote inclusive economic growth and decent jobs for all.
The Indian education sector holds a prominent position globally. India is home to the world’s largest network of higher learning institutions with promising growth opportunities. However, the education system in India functions with an obsolete curriculum. With the current technological developments and modern workplace, the need arises for equipping children with skills of the future as part of their formal learning process.
According to a 2019 study by the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC), 7 crore additional people in the working age of 15-59 years are expected to enter the labor force by 2023.With India having the largest young population, it is important to impart adequate and appropriate industry-relevant skills among the youth.
YuWaah is a multi-stakeholder global platform that aims to prepare young people to transition from education and learning to productive work and active citizenship.
Objective: To build multi-sector partnerships and enable collaborative action with the mission to ‘enable India's youth and connect them to aspirational socio-economic opportunities and engage them as active change makers.
Corporate Partners: Capgemini
Implementing Partner: UNICEF India
Intended Outcome:
Timeline: 2020 - 2023
Activities till now: A task force comprising of experts from governments, multi laterals, civil society and solutions partners has been constituted each for three pillars- Economic Opportunities, Life and Livelihood Skills of Youth and Youth as Changemakers.