Global Compact Network India

Global Compact Network India (GCNI), formed in November 2000, was registered in 2003 as a non-profit society to function as the Indian Local Network of the Global Compact, New York. It is the first Local Network in the world to be established with full legal recognition. It, also as a country level platform for businesses, civil organisations, public and private sector, aids in aligning stakeholders' responsible practices towards the Ten Universally Accepted Principles of UNGC in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti - corruption, broad goals including Sustainable Development Goals and other key sister initiatives of the United Nations and its systems.

It has also emerged as the largest corporate sustainability initiative in India and globally with a pan India membership of over 500 leading business and non-business participants, strengthening their commitment to the Global Compact Principles by becoming proud members of the Local Network in India. For more details, please visit

Our Milestone

  1. Northeast Round table on SDGs

    GCNI held the Northeast Round table on SDGs on the launch of its membership with Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalaya

  2. Northeast Round table on SDGs

    GCNI held the Northeast Round table on SDGs on the launch of its membership with Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalaya

The Global Compact Network India works towards mainstreaming the ten universally accepted principles in business activities around the world, catalysing action in support of broader goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and setting the tone for the post 2015 development agenda within the Indian context.

GCNI members represent pertinent sectors of the country such as civil society, private, and public sector organisations, which with time have strengthened their commitment to the Global Compact principles. The main objective of the Network is to provide a forum to various Indian companies and organizations for co-partnerships, build a strong network and promote sustainable and positive corporate citizenship by encouraging various Indian Corporate bodies/ Institutions/ NGOs/ SMEs, to become members of the network, all these together aid in dissemination and promotion of global compact principles within their own milieu.

GCNI currently has its local chapters in 5 major Indian cities, which include Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata and Bangalore, and thus has facilitated its own expansion amongst local and regional counterparts widely operating within the country. As a sole Indian arm of the UNGC, the Global Compact Network India has established a semiotic relationship with the overall mandate and principles of the UNGC. Through its activities and programmes such as the India CEO forum on Human Rights, Women Empowerment Principles, Collective Act