Participation at UN GCNI

The UN Global Compact Network India is uniquely positioned to support companies on their journey to align their practices to a sustainable and inclusive future. The Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption offer a blueprint for organizations seeking to be part of the collective effort to build back stronger and scale up the Global 2030 Agenda.

UN GCNI Strategy identifies a key shift to re-balance participation through accelerated growth in under-represented geographical areas & arenas of India. With an objective of proactively increasing the number of committed organizations to join the UN GCNI, a roadmap of robustness & intelligence is aspired to be followed.

For our participants, work is done in building confidence & gaining trust to tap them & utilize their cooperation in driving the one global compact movement under the “Leave no one behind”. The concept of “One Global Compact” has helped galvanize an enabling environment for all the stakeholders.

The UN Global Compact Network India provides a universal language for corporate responsibility and provides a framework to guide all businesses regardless of size, complexity or location in the country. We’re your guide every step of the way. We’ll help you commit to, assess, define, implement, measure and communicate your sustainability strategy.

Why you should join us

See what’s involved and why it makes sense to commit to sustainability.

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Ways to Engage

No matter your size, sector or geographic location, all companies can engage

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Sustainability reporting has gone mainstream

See Who's Involved

17,000+ participants in over 160 countries, both developed and developing, representing nearly every sector and size.

Our Participants