Gender Equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Yet despite progress, women and girls around the world do not fully experience equal rights and their potential as economic, social and sustainable development change agents remains untapped. It will currently take over 267 years to achieve equality in terms of women’s economic empowerment and participation.

Gender-based discrimination across businesses is still a reality. Women are underrepresented in the workplace and very few women are given the opportunity to climb up the ladder to leadership. Pay parity continues to remains a far-fetched dream. Women are unequally paid for equal work and they continue to be targets of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Studies show that empowering women and girls help expand economic growth, promote social development and establish more stable and just societies.

To reach the targets of gender equality (Goal 5), it is paramount for businesses, governments and civil organizations to come together to take bold action to accelerate progress; spread awareness on laws and policies; commit to gender responsible business practices; and advance gender equality in every organization.


Training Programme on Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

Advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the broad context not only contributes to reducing systemic discrimination, but it also broadens the economic base, boosts positive economy and workplace culture, increases diversity in the supply chain and enhances suppliers’ access to business networks, high-value market opportunities and sustainable revenue streams.

The Women’s Empowerment Principles are a set of Principles offering guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community.

UN Global Compact Network India, being a custodian of human rights principles and upholding the rights of women’s equality in workplaces, held a WEPs training module among the members of Women Empowerment and Diversity Committee (WEDC) of Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL).

Objective: The aim of this training programme is to develop the capacities of its participants to better comprehend and implement WEPs as an enabling tool towards achieving gender equality in their organisation and beyond.

Participants: Members of Women Empowerment & Diversity Committee of Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL)

Date of training: June 8th, 2023