Climate Action is Central for the Future of our Planet: Take Climate Action Now!

Climate Change

From a small farmer in India to a businessman in Australia, climate change is affecting everyone, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups like children, women and the elderly. The unmonitored human activities are not only threatening our current lives, but also degrading the future of our planet. If left unchecked, climate change will nullify all the interventions done in the past.

Businesses have a key role to play in the mitigation of climate change as business-driven economic activities are a major cause of greenhouse gas emission. A change in energy transition, green investments, investment in research and development of new energy technologies are a few measures that are essential to navigate positive climate action.


Closing the Loop: Creating Circular Economic Models in Aspirational Districts of India (Pilot Phase)

Target 13.3 of SDG 13 Climate Action focuses on improving education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. To achieve this, concerted coordinated government action as well as conscious and informed efforts by corporates, institutions, CSOs and individuals is required.

An important intervention towards achieving SDG 13 can be focusing on the young population who are presently in schools and colleges. The young population can be the leaders and change agents of tomorrow. The work undertaken with and by youth is crucial to raise the ambition of governments to fulfil the promises made at the international fora, it is essential to strengthen both formal and informal education on climate change and viable lifestyles. Sustainable production and consumption patterns must be promoted and youth must be supported as environmental champions in their local communities.

Partnerships should be developed between governments, intergovernmental, non-governmental and youth organizations for joint environmental initiatives aimed at building the capacity of youth as future leaders and driving forces behind a new climate change regime. Considerable efforts are also needed in strengthening the adaptive capability and resilience of youth in rural communities. The initiatives in order to be sustainable may evolve into a revenue generating activity which results in gainful employment of the youth as well as mitigation of climate change related hazards and use of circular economy elements.

Objective: To co-create and implement a district wide climate change and risk mitigation pilot to support target 13.3 across one aspirational district each in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Corporate Partners: BASF India

Knowledge Partners: MET

Timeline: 6- month pilot project

Activities till now: Preliminary Research work has been initiated, in the selected project districts.