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The IUAES Congress 2023

The IUAES is a world organization of scientists and institutions working in the fields of anthropology and ethnology, and is also of interest to archaeologists and linguists, among others. It aims to enhance exchange and communication among scholars of all regions of the world, in a collective effort to expand human knowledge. In this way it contributes to a better understanding of human society, and to a sustainable future based on harmony between nature and culture.

The IUAES was established on 23 August 1948, but the foundations of The IUAES were laid much earlier. In 1865, various Congresses of Anthropological Sciences began to unite anthropologists in exchange and conversation. In 1934, these were formalized in the founding of The International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES). The President of the ICAES served as the President of the Union. In 1948, The IUAES and ICAES were brought into one organization, de facto. In 1968 the two organizations were united, de jure. In 2008, the ICAES Congress was renamed the IUAES World Congress.

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IUAES: World Congress 2023, 12-19 January: India

"Marginalities, Uncertainties, and World Anthropologies: Enlivening Past and Envisioning Future"

The dramatic changes seen in the world of 2020, will remain as a critical chapter of human history, where humanity has emerged into what is known as the new 'normal', with new scars and new achievements. In the forthcoming World Congress to be held in Delhi, Bhubaneswar and few other cities of India, various facets of this transformed world with its new challenges and deconstructed realities shall be examined, deliberated and debated. Erosion/consolidation of existing boundaries and power hierarchies have sharpened the cleavages of gender, caste, race, ethnicities and class creating new marginalities and uncertainties.

This Congress intends to critically look at the old hierarchies and marginalities and the way they have been reinforced at the time of contemporary crises. It is also directed towards initiating new debates, looking for fresh ideas by which we may both dismantle the old discrepancies and inequalities and build a new world out of the ruins. Most of us have gone through excruciating experiences, personal as well as those around us.


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