

Smart Republic 2018

GCNI has partnered with “India – ICT enabled integration for green growth” initiative of the World Bank that aims to create a structured framework for knowledge management..

Thu, 15th February, 2018 | New Delhi

2nd Subir Raha Memorial Lecture by Mr. B. Muthuraman

Mr. B. Muthuraman, Vice Chairman, Tata Steel Limited delivered the 2nd Subir Raha Memorial Lecture…

Mon, 27th June, 2011 | New Delhi

1st Subir Raha Memorial Lecture by Mr. Nandan Nikakeni

Mr. Nandan Nilekani, Chairman, UIDAI will deliver the first Subir Raha Memorial Lecture organised by GCNI..

Wed, 7th July, 2010 | New Delhi