Global Compact Network India

Global Compact Network India (GCNI), formed in November 2000, was registered in 2003 as a non-profit society to function as the Indian Local Network of the Global Compact, New York. It is the first Local Network in the world to be established with full legal recognition. It, also as a country level platform for businesses, civil organisations, public and private sector, aids in aligning stakeholders' responsible practices towards the Ten Universally Accepted Principles of UNGC in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti - corruption, broad goals including Sustainable Development Goals and other key sister initiatives of the United Nations and its systems.

It has also emerged as the largest corporate sustainability initiative in India and globally with a pan India membership of over 500 leading business and non-business participants, strengthening their commitment to the Global Compact Principles by becoming proud members of the Local Network in India. For more details, please visit

Our Milestone

  1. Government of Assam for advancing Sustainable Development Goals

    GCNI partnered with The Government of Assam for advancing Sustainable Development Goals in Assam

  2. Northeast Round table on SDGs

    GCNI held the Northeast Round table on SDGs on the launch of its membership with Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalaya

  3. GCNI’s Centre of Excellence for Governance

    GCNI’s Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) signed a 5 year MOU with Pune Smart City-Development Corporation Limited (PSCDL)

  4. GCNI’s Centre of Excellence for Governance

    GCNI’s Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) signed a 5 year MOU with Pune Smart City-Development Corporation Limited (PSCDL)


    WATER BENCHMARKING STUDY in INDIA commenced in Knowledge partnership with Accenture with financial support from ONGC under chairmanship of Mr.D.D Mishra, Director (HR) ONGC and chairman Asia Pacific Resource Centre, UNGC

  6. 4th National CSR Summit on Sustainable Development

    GCNI held 4th National CSR Summit on Sustainable Development Goal No.4 in collaboration with Shikhar Ngo on the theme “Sustainable Quality and Accessible Education for Persons with Special Needs: Section 135, Companies Act 2013"

  7. GCNI with BSE hosted ‘Ring The Bell for Gender Equality’ in Mumbai

    GCNI with BSE hosted ‘Ring The Bell for Gender Equality’ in Mumbai

  8. Broadening the Horizon for India’s Growth and Transformation

    Point Of View Document on Sustainable Development Goals ‘Broadening the Horizon for India’s Growth and Transformation’ publication was launched during the 11th National convention of Global Compact Network India

  9. National Convention on Sustainable Development Goals

    GCNI organized 11th National Convention on Sustainable Development Goals “Broadening the Horizon For India’s Growth and Transformation” at ITC Maratha, Mumbai

  10. GCNI in partnership with the Kerala Government launched

    GCNI in partnership with the Kerala Government launched the initiative to encourage businesses, Civil society organization to adopt sustainable and socially responsible principles

  11. JSPL Foundation organized the Rashtriya Swayamsidddh Samman Awards

    GCNI in collaboration with JSPL Foundation organized the Rashtriya Swayamsidddh Samman Awards held in New Delhi

  12. GCNI organized a special session by the Executive Director of the World Food Programme

    GCNI organized a special session by the Executive Director of the World Food Programme, Ertharin Cousin on the ‘Central Role of Businesses in achieving zero Hunger Worldwide’

  13. GCNI in Collaboration with BMW Group

    GCNI in Collaboration with BMW Group Organized India Sustainability 2.0-on the theme ‘Making Social Dimension Work’

  14. Sustainable Development Goals in Gurgaon

    GCNI in collaboration with KPMG organized a Roundtable on Role of the Industrial manufacturing sector towards achieving sustainable development Goals in Gurgaon, Haryana

  15. India’s Premiere Business Event on Gender Equality

    GCNI and UNGC organized the India’s Premiere Business Event on Gender Equality-‘Equality Means Businesses: Women Empowerment Principles in Practice’ highlighting the essential role that businesses must play to realize gender equality and achieve Sustainable Development Goals

  16. Impact Transforming Business, Changing the World

    GCNI with UNGC and DNV GL’s published global publication titled “Impact Transforming Business, Changing the World”

  17. Global Impact Network India launched

    Global Impact Network India launched an Urban Transport Mobility Report ‘Now to Next-Towards Sustained Urban Mobility’ in collaboration with Rapid Metro

  18. GCNI participated at the Regional Conference

    GCNI participated at the Regional Conference on Aligning Corporate Sustainability with SDGs in Bangkok on 20th May 2015

  19. Centre of Excellence for Governance

    Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) setup

  20. United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia

    Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) delivered lecture on Sustainable Development Goals and India: 2015 and Beyond on 4th February 2015 in New Delhi.

  21. Perspectives and Initiatives from leading India and Global Businesses

    Launch of the ‘Sustainability Practices : Perspectives and Initiatives from leading India and Global Businesses’ during GCI's 10th National Convention in Bengaluru

  22. Global Compact Network India awarded

    Global Compact Network India awarded with the Local Network Award at 3rd Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva

  23. Strategic Planning Meeting

    GCNI organized its strategic planning meeting for developing a strategic plan for the years 2015-2020

  24. GCNI launched Asia Cooperation Project

    GCNI launched Asia Cooperation Project during the Asia/Oceania Local Regional network Regional meeting in Dhaka

  25. UNGC - Accenture CEO study on Sustainability 2013

    The UNGC-Accenture CEO study on Sustainability 2013: Insights from CEOs in the Global Compact Network India and Business for Peace( B4P) initiative launched on 14th February 2014 by Dr. M. Veerappa Moily, Union Cabinet Minister, Ministry of Petroleum and Minister of Environment and Forests (additional charge)

  26. GCNI has set - up Asia Pacific Resource Centre (APRC)

    GCNI has set-up Asia Pacific Resource Centre (APRC) on Responsible Business practices

  27. Global Compact Network India completes 10 years

    Global Compact Network India completes 10 years

  28. GCNI collaborates with Deloitte

    GCNI collaborates with Deloitte to conduct six city training in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata on Sustainability training about 300 participants

  29. NGC launches Business for Peace (B4P)

    Mr. Sudhir Vasudeva, President, GCNI and CMD, ONGC launches Business for Peace (B4P) initiative during the Leaders Summit, 2013 in New York

  30. Strengthen Ethical and Transparent Corporate Governance Practices

    GCNI started the project Strengthen Ethical and Transparent Corporate Governance Practices and Further Responsible Development which was submitted to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Prosperity Fund India Programm disbursed by the British High Commission. This Projectis part of a wider goal of mainstreaming Anticorruption Collective Actioninthe development agenda of India

  31. Government of U.K awards

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), Government of U.K awards UK Prosperity Fund Project on Ethical Corporate Governance to GCNI

  32. The CEO Water Mandate

    GCNI and UNGC organized the CEO Water Mandate in Mumbai

  33. Private Sector Leaders Roundtable Post 2015 Development Agenda

    GCNI participated in ‘Private Sector Leaders Roundtable Post 2015 Development Agenda’ in Bali and discussed the vision, scope and priority of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the implications of these outcomes toward developing a common framework for the business contribution to the post-2015 agenda

  34. Membership crosses 100 mark

    The membership crosses 100 mark, currently 165 members

  35. Possibilities and Challenges for India

    GCNI organized 3rd Subir Raha Memorial lecture on the theme ‘Sustainable Development And Inclusive Growth in 21st century: Possibilities and Challenges for India’

  36. Forum on Business and Human Rights

    First CEO Forum on Business and Human Rights in New Delhi under the Leadership of Mr. N R Narayana Murthy, Founder Infosys

  37. (GCNI)

    Global Compact Society becomes Global Compact Network India (GCNI)

  38. The Foundation of the Global Compact’s Collective Action Project

    The Foundation of the Global Compact’s Collective Action Project awarded to GCNI

  39. Global Compact Asia Pacific Regional Conclave

    GCNI hosts the Global Compact Asia Pacific Regional Conclave in New Delhi

  40. local chapter launched in Mumbai

    The first local chapter launched in Mumbai. Currently, 5 local chapters operational

  41. Governing Council Elections

    The Governing Council elections are introduced

  42. Global Compact Society

    The Global Compact Society sets up a Secretariat at New Delhi

  43. Knowledge Sharing and Monthly meetings

    The Knowledge Sharing and Monthly meetings started

  44. First Annual General Body meeting

    The first Annual General Body meeting held

  45. Global Compact Regional Conclave in Jamshedpur

    Global Compact Regional Conclave in Jamshedpur was co - organized by Global Compact Society, Tata Steel and CII

  46. The first National Convention

    The first National Convention of Global Compact Society organized

  47. Registered as a society

    Registered as a society with 42 organisations

  48. Launch of Global Compact Society

    Launch of Global Compact Society

The Global Compact Network India works towards mainstreaming the ten universally accepted principles in business activities around the world, catalysing action in support of broader goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and setting the tone for the post 2015 development agenda within the Indian context.

GCNI members represent pertinent sectors of the country such as civil society, private, and public sector organisations, which with time have strengthened their commitment to the Global Compact principles. The main objective of the Network is to provide a forum to various Indian companies and organizations for co-partnerships, build a strong network and promote sustainable and positive corporate citizenship by encouraging various Indian Corporate bodies/ Institutions/ NGOs/ SMEs, to become members of the network, all these together aid in dissemination and promotion of global compact principles within their own milieu.

GCNI currently has its local chapters in 5 major Indian cities, which include Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata and Bangalore, and thus has facilitated its own expansion amongst local and regional counterparts widely operating within the country. As a sole Indian arm of the UNGC, the Global Compact Network India has established a semiotic relationship with the overall mandate and principles of the UNGC. Through its activities and programmes such as the India CEO forum on Human Rights, Women Empowerment Principles, Collective Action Project, National Convention, etc. GCNI continues to streamline its energies towards the promotion of the UNGC core areas and sustainable and responsible practices amongst its member belonging to the private sector along with the participation of public and civil society stakeholders of India.

The governance of the Global Compact Network India (GCNI) is led by a Governing Council elected every two years by the General Body, supreme body of the GCNI's governance structure, consisting of GCNI's members. The Governing Council members include President, Vice Presidents representing four regions (North, South, East, West), Treasurer, Secretary, co-opted members and special invitees. The governing council is mandated to execute the general policies of the society in conformity with the objects of the MOU, pass and deliberate on organisational resolutions, appoint Chief Executive and determine their power and responsibilities constitute committees and delegate powers and manage finances. The Governing Council meets in practice once every four months, in a meeting convened by the Secretary.

To support and facilitate the Governing Council there is an Administration Committee. The Administration Committee guides the Secretariat on functional matters and supports it to carry out the Global Compact's mandate in India. The Administration Committee in general meets six times a year or as the need may be to discuss and deliberate on matters affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the Secretariat and evaluate its work and staff.

To provide the Secretariat with support and guidance, dedicated sub-committees have been constituted on key areas of interventions. These committees, constituted of Global Compact Network India’s member organisations and experts, work on key areas of concern, premised on the UNGC principles.

The Secretariat also in its day to day operations is supported and guided by an Operations Committee. The Committee in practice meets whenever matters seeking immediate resolution are brought up by the Secretariat.

To further the Global Compact and carry forward the Global Compact’s mandate on the day to day functioning, the Global Compact Network India is supported by a Secretariat headed by an Executive Director.

In furthering the Global Compact agenda within India, GCNI is conceptualising unique and pioneering initiatives such as the India Sustainability Dialogue, the Asia Pacific Resource Centre on Responsible Business Practices, CEO Forums and India Collaboration Lab. These activities aim at strengthening the commitments of the Indian partners towards the Global Compact Principles and creating opportunities for other partners to join in the efforts in supporting the Global Mandate. These initiatives aspires to establish the India Local Network as a knowledge pool for accessing relevant learning and resources and a think tank for promoting activities and programmes on sustainable development.

The members of the local network have over the year’s showcased increasing commitment towards the UNGC principles and have voluntarily set milestone to achieve them within their businesses. These achievements are reported to the UNGC on an annual basis to through the report on Communication of Progress (CoP).

The companies and organisations, through the CoP submit to the UNGC

  • A statement expressing continued support and commitment to the initiative and the principles of the Global Compact
  • A description of practical actions taken by the company or the organization to implement the Global Compact principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption.
  • A measurement of outcomes and the results that have been achieved

Global Compact Network India is actively involved in promotion and galvanisation of 10 principles of the UNGC that revolve around Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption and has plans to expand its reach, influence and improve reporting standards of its member organisations through training, development and capacity building in the years to follow.