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Election 2023

Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  • Start 20:00pm - 22:00pm
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • 00days
  • 00hours
  • 00mins
  • 00seco

Global Compact Network India

Global Compact Network India (GCNI), the Indian Local Network of the United Nations Global Compact ( UNGC), New York is the first Local Network globally to be established with full legal recognition. As the UNGC local arm, GCNI has been acting as a country level platform in providing a robust platform for Indian businesses, academic institutions and civil society organizations to join hands for strengthening responsible business practices. Our ‘10 Principles in areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption’ provide a common ethical and practical Framework for Corporate Responsibility - and the 17 ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ adopted in September 2015, by all 195 Member States of the United Nations including India in order to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet- understood and interpreted by businesses around the world , regardless of size , complexity or location.

Global Compact Network India (GCNI)


UN GCNI collaborated with Business India magazine as a Knowledge partner, on a Special Issue on the theme ‘India Inc.: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals’.

YuWaah’s objective is to build multi-sector partnerships and enable collaborative action with the mission to ‘enable India's youth and connect them to aspirational

The UN Global Compact (UNGC) launched a four-year global project “scaling up Anti-Corruption Collective Action within Global Compact Local Networks”...

WeEmpowerAsia is a 3-year joint programme by the European Union and UN Women aimed at increasing the number of women who lead and participate in private-sector businesses in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

Improving and strengthening Sustainable Access to Water and Sanitation in rural communities around Diageo India’s plant in specific areas of Maharashtra to create water replenishment capacity of 170,000 m3

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