Session Plan
Climate Change & Disaster Resilience Module for Children
In recent past, all of us, across the world, have experienced disasters, which have taught many lessons to human
kind. If we remember, COVID-19 pandemic made everything difficult. There was a lockdown, when schools, roads,
markets were closed. Many people fell sick and they were not able to get beds in the hospitals. There was crisis of
medicines and oxygen availability, and most importantly our parents were not able to go to work. It was a painful
and scary situation for all.
Apart from COVID-19 disaster, there are many other disasters which occur in our society. Floods, Droughts,
Lightning, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Cyclones are natural disasters. And industrial blasts, village/city fires, gas
leakages are the examples of manmade disasters.
Disasters can be classified into two categories Natural and Man Made.
Case Study: Shirol taluka of Kolhapur district in Maharashtra was affected due to Mega Floods in 2019. In the
interviews with children after six months, they expressed that it was a scary situation. All the elders were running
around to save buffalos and important material at home. We were told that the water will soon recede, but it went
on rising and we had to move on to the terraces of the houses. Our parents were tense and finally they released the
ropes of Buffalos and left them to swim and survive.
There was water everywhere and finally NDRF teams came to our village and they took us to taluka schools to take
shelter. There were many people in the school, and many of them were shouting. There was a chaos and everyone
was competing to get food and water. Many of the children, women and men were wearing wet clothes, which got
slowly dried on the body itself. This started etching. From fourth day, many people were complaining of stomach
ache and diarrhea.
There were very few toilets and they were dirty. We didn’t take bath for almost four five days. Few times elder
people were fighting. On eighth day our family decided to come back to the village, however, when we came back
our house was damaged. We are still scared of going to the camp.
Disaster is a situation of serious disruption for a short or long time with widespread damage to human
life, property, day to day facilities and environment.