In business, executives often focus on models of rational analysis, paying far too little attention to the idiosyncrasies and irrational processes that make up individual human behaviour. At the heart of success however, lies a true understanding of the emotional side of decision-making.
The Challenge of Leadership aims to improve your understanding of how human behaviour affects the functioning of an organisation. By focusing on conscious and unconscious behaviour, as well as rational and irrational action, you will learn to manage irrational and dysfunctional processes in your company. You will explore your personal leadership style and address ways of dealing with processes that fall outside recommended models.
Participants of this highly selective programme are: senior leaders from large and medium-sized firms; entrepreneurs; or senior executives in the public sector. Typically CEOs or board members, participants hold top-level positions and are in the mature phase of their careers.
On leaving The Challenge of Leadership, you become a full member of the INSEAD alumni community, which is open only to graduates of our world-famous MBA and other degree programmes, as well as selected former Executive Education participants.
This elite worldwide network consists of over 57,000 alumni in around 172 countries, many with very active National Alumni Associations. As part of the alumni community, you benefit from lifelong networking and professional development opportunities, including regional events, refresher programmes and reduced rates for all Executive Education.
Strengthening leadership and business skills with new perspectives, new thinking and new ideas. We offer 25+ programmes for "The Challenge of Leadership" that support your important career transitions.
Professor Pushan Dutt, Co-Director of Leading Business Transformation in Asia, shares his thoughts on the...
Professor Pushan Dutt, Co-Director of Leading Business Transformation in Asia, says the trade war is going...