• Address Flat no. 4, 1st floor, Our Lady of Guia Building (RTO Building), Next to BDO Office, Vasco, Goa, India - 403 802
  • Phone +91-832-2501416, +91-9422438109

Arz Intervention


ARZ (Anyay Rahit Zindagi)

Arz is a social work organization committed to combating trafficking of persons for the purpose of sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation in Goa. The organization works both with the victims of commercial sexual exploitation, and also against those who are perpetrators of this crime.

Arz was conceived in 1997 by a group of Development Professionals from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, with the idea of social work interventions in the area of crime with persons who have been victims of commericial sexual exploitation, those who are perpetrators and those who are vulnerable to both.

Arz Intervention during COVID

The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic in India has been largely disruptive. The worst affected due to the pandemic are the sex workers and the victims of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).

Interventions by Arz (anyay rahit zindagi) to address health and economic crisis caused due to COVID:

  1. Awareness to people to follow COVID appropriate behaviour.
  2. Encouraging people to take COVID vaccine.
  3. Distribution of raw ration to victims of sex trafficking & women vulnerable to sexual violence in Goa.
  4. Financial Support for - health expenses, funeral expenses, education of children, purchase of cooking gas, payment of rent, etc to sex workers and to victims of sex trafficking during COVID.
  5. Economic empowerment of the socially & marginalised women in Goa through, income generation activity.

Arz is a social work organization committed to combating trafficking of persons for the purpose of sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation in Goa.

Swift Wash

A self-help success story

The Economic Rehabilitation Programme inititated by Arz in 2006 to cater to the economic empowerment of victims of sexual exploitation led to the setting up of Swift Wash, a fully mechanized laundry unit in Sancoale, Goa for providing employment to the victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Currently, the unit is providing employment to 35 women and girls and 15 boys.

Documentary on Swift Wash

Arz has adopted an holistic approach in the programme, as it was felt that the rehabilitation of the victim alone could not support her in continuing her struggle to live a life free from exploitation. A change has to be brought about in the different stake holders in her life. So, the perpetrators, the spouses of these women, the adult male children and relatives in her family, are also provided rehabilitation under the same programme.

Arz Philosophy

  • Commercial sexual exploitation of persons is the most heinous crime against human beings
  • Commercial sexual exploitation is a form of bonded slavery that results in consistent and unrecognized victimization of the most marginalized and stigmatized group in society
  • Through effective social work intervention it is possible to limit trafficking of human beings as well as limit abuse and exploitation of trafficked victims
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